
How to clean the newly bought glass pot with lid

admin 2021-11-19 15:00:3203 Comments
Everyone’s first thought on the newly bought glass pot with lids must be how to clean them. Here are some tips on how to clean your newly bought cups.
1. Cleaning of stainless steel, ceramic and glass cups
1) The white wine is blanched with hot 60-degree white wine, and then brewed strong tea; put it in the microwave, 400 watts for 10 minutes, let it cool naturally, and pour it out for 24 hours; the peculiar smell of the cup is completely gone, and it can be cleaned very well. clean. 2) Brewed tea leaves Rubbed with brewed tea leaves, the effect is also remarkable. 3) Vinegar Put the cup in a pot of cold water and add some vinegar. It is best to brew the vinegar and boil it. The water should cover the cup. Add one or two to two vinegar. Just boil it and cook for another 20 minutes. . Be sure to use a pot under cold water. After cooking, it can not only remove lead but also prevent cracking. Generally, newly bought ceramic cups will not crack. It is best not to buy those with bright colors. Those colored ceramic products contain lead, which is in the paint. 4) Boil in water (this method must not be used for plastic cups) To boil in water, use cold water, boil it, but don't use cold water when taking it out, especially the glass cup is easy to burst.
2. Cleaning the new teapot. Before a new teapot is used, the whole surface of the teapot should be carefully polished with old gauze. If you don’t have the old emery cloth, rub the new emery cloth against each other to make the sharpness diminish and then sharpen the pot body. But the sanding can only be modest, not excessive, so as not to damage the surface of the pot. Then wash the mud, powder, sand and crumbs inside and outside, scald them with boiling water, and then use them for making tea. When the new pot is filled with hot tea, wipe the body of the pot with a clean damp cloth from time to time. After a while, the body of the pot will be dark and quiet in color and emit an elegant light. After ten and a half months of serious use, the appearance of the pot will be quite different. The longer it is used, the more eye-catching it will be. Therefore, there is a saying that the more you use it, the newer it is.
3. Cleaning of plastic cups However, it is not recommended to eat plastic cups, because plastic cups are easy to decompose harmful substances when high temperature, and long-term consumption is harmful to your health. 1) Put a few slices of lemon zest and orange zest in the cup, or drop a few drops of vinegar, and soak overnight. 2) When the milk is overdue and cannot be drunk, you can put a rag in it to soak it to wipe the cup, and the dirt can be removed soon. 3) It is also a good method to soak in rice water for one night. This method can also be applied to glass, stainless steel, and ceramic cups.

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