
How to Hold a Wine Glass

admin 2022-07-20 11:14:4303 Comments
holding a traditional wine glass
Image titled Hold a Wine Glass Step 1

Hold the stem between your thumb and your first two fingers. Hold the stem of the wine glass with your thumb, forefinger, and middle finger. [1]
As you place your fingers, place them on the lower half of the stem. Your middle finger should rest on the stem above the base.
Only these three fingers will directly touch the stem of the glass. Your remaining two fingers should rest naturally on top of the base.
This is the standard way to hold a wine glass. Holding it this way should provide enough stability while keeping your hands away from the glass bowl, glass cookware .

Pinch the stem with your thumb and forefinger. Wrap your index finger around one side of the stem, then use the tip of your thumb to support the other side of the stem.
Put your hand on the lower half of the stem.
Your remaining three fingers should be tucked into the palm of your hand in a loose fist. Generally, these fingers don't touch the bottom of the glass, but if they swipe it they will.

Grab the stem just above the base. Use only your thumb and forefinger to pinch the handle of the glass above the base.
Even though these two fingers were pinching the stem of the glass, they brushed to the top of the base.
Use your middle finger to support the glass from below, extending it outward along the bottom of the base.
Let the remaining two fingers rest naturally. They may press into your palm or follow your middle finger.

Use your thumb to pry up the base. Place your thumb on the bottom of the glass while supporting the bottom with your index and middle fingers.
When using this technique, none of your fingers actually touch the stem of the glass.
Your index, middle, ring, and little fingers should all be gently bent into your palms. Use the tops of your index and middle fingers to support the base.
Note that this type of holding is socially acceptable, but also the least stable. It's best to practice it on your own before using it in polite company.
Image titled Hold a Wine Glass Step 5
Never hold a bowl. Holding a wine glass by the bowl is a social no-no, but the reasons for doing so are both practical and polite. The taste and appearance of the wine are negatively affected when you hold the bowl. [2]
When you hold the bowl of the cup, the heat of your hand quickly warms the wine inside. [3] This problem is most pronounced when drinking white wine or champagne, as these types of beverages taste best when chilled. The problem isn't as severe when drinking red wine, but even red wine tastes best when it's slightly cooler than room temperature.
Also, holding the bowl with the cup leaves fingerprints, which makes the wine glass look less elegant. Your fingers and the fingerprints they leave behind can also make checking the color or clarity of wine more difficult.

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