
How to turn waste glass into treasure

admin 2022-08-19 14:42:2203 Comments
All kinds of glass products, such as cups, bottles, lamps, mobile phone computer screens, etc., are deeply loved by everyone because of their durability, high heat resistance, and beautiful appearance, and play an important role in our lives. Next, let's learn about the recycling process of waste glass and how it turns waste into treasure and returns to consumers, Glass product    .

what glass can be recycled

First, before we start today's journey, we need to understand which glass is recyclable and which isn't. There are many different glass products in life:

But not all glass products can be recycled. The main basis for judging whether they can be recycled is the composition of the glass products. Here is the composition of the glass:

And once glass is mixed with other materials, it cannot be recycled.

So when you see glass recycling bins:

The following items can be placed:

1. Glass bottles for packaging: such as beverage bottles, oil, vinegar, soy sauce, perfume, etc.;

2. Glass jars: such as jars for fruit, vegetables, marmalade or mustard.

Please do not place the following items:

1. Crystal glass (such as wine glass, perfume bottle);

2. Incandescent lamps and energy-saving lamps;

3. Fluorescent tube flat glass (such as mirror and window glass);

4. Refractory glass (such as tea sets, laboratory glassware);

5. Lampshades, wine utensils;

6. Household items made of glass (such as cups, bowls, pots);

7. Porcelain, pottery, stoneware stoppers (metal or plastic).

Waste glass recycling process


The glass on the market is mainly divided into colorless, green and brown transparent glass, as well as some special glass such as light tubes. When glass garbage is delivered, be sure to handle it with care and pay attention to safety issues, so as not to hurt yourself and garbage collectors. The glass will be shipped to professional glass processing manufacturers.


Because the source of many waste glass is beverage bottles, there will be wrapping paper attached to it, aluminum strips around the bottle mouth, etc. The first step of garbage disposal is to remove impurities. The first process after entering the factory is to use a shovel. The car will fry them repeatedly. It fell from the highest place and shattered.

This operation ensures that the debris is relatively large and easy to concentrate, and it is also convenient to send it to the crawler for manual sorting, and pick out the wrapping paper, aluminum strips, etc. that are about to fall off from the glass.


The colors of the glass here are different, which actually do not meet the requirements of glass recycling and reuse. They have different values ​​and different uses according to the color.

Use the light transmission of glass and spectral analyzer to separate them. It is highly pulverized and has different uses after being made into glass sand. The white glass sand can be directly melted and reused to make glass products and return to the market. The variegated glass is mainly used as a filler for building materials.

Some of the above content comes from the next English popular science video about glass recycling. Interested friends can come and learn about it together!

Creative and creative products for waste glass recycling

The magic glass recycling product - foam fireproof brick. Put candles on ordinary bricks and foam fire bricks made of glass sand, and then heat them with fire below to test the heat transfer. After heating for a period of time, the candles on the ordinary bricks slowly melted, but the candles on the fireproof switch remained unchanged. Compared with the thermometer, it can be seen more intuitively that the surface temperature of the ordinary bricks reached 130 degrees. The temperature of fire bricks is maintained in a comfortable range. Building a house with this material is environmentally friendly, comfortable and safe.

Ivan Bestari Minar Pradipta, an artist from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. On an ordinary day in 2011, when he first met an old man in his hometown who used the ancient glass blowing method to make glass products, he became attached to glass art and fell in love with such a skill.

Later, through his continuous efforts, through the use of flames, he successfully transformed waste glass into exquisite glass works of art, and gradually formed his own unique style.

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