
Wine glass etiquette

admin 2022-07-20 11:26:0703 Comments
Set aside glasses when needed. If you can't put the cup down and feel the need to support it between your mouths, you can place the bottom of the cup on the palm of your non-dominant hand while continuing to hold the stem of the cup with your dominant hand.
When you need to put the glass on the table, note that it should be on the right side of the water glass. If you don't have a drinking glass, just place your glass in the upper left corner of your place setting, where it will usually be.
Image titled Hold a Wine Glass Step 9,glass cookware

Sip from the same place. Try drinking from only one spot on the rim of the wine glass. Doing so can improve the aroma and appearance of the wine.
If you sip from too many different places along the rim of the glass, too much contact can actually stain the aroma of the wine. Since smell and taste are closely related, this also reduces the taste of the wine.
Also, even if you're not wearing lipstick, balm, or lip gloss, your lips will imprint on glass like your fingers. Sipping from only one place will make your glass top look cleaner.

Keep the glass partially full. As a general rule, you should only keep the glass a third full when drinking red wine and half full when drinking white wine.
Similarly, when drinking champagne or sparkling wine with a champagne glass, you should fill the glass three-quarters full.
By filling only part of the glass, you minimize the risk of accidental spills. A fully filled wine glass can get heavy, and since you're only using the glass to support it, not the bowl, your hands may weaken and slip due to the weight of the wine.
Image titled Hold a Wine Glass Step 11
Look at your glass while drinking. When you go to take a sip of your wine, keep your gaze directly on your glass instead of focusing on another person or object.
It's considered especially rude to look at someone while you're sipping your drink. This is true whether or not you have an active conversation with anyone.
On the other hand, when toasting, you should maintain eye contact with someone. Make eye contact with the person who clinks glasses with you. It is polite to do so, the superstition believes that failing to do so could mean seven years of bad luck.

Tilt the glass while researching its appearance. If you want to study the look of the wine, tilt the glass slightly while pointing it at the light. [5]
Use natural light whenever possible. If you can't see the color and clarity well, place the glass on a white or light-colored background to make the viewing process easier.

Shake the wine carefully. Shaking your wine is socially acceptable as long as you don't get carried away. The key is to gently rotate the glass in small circular motions while keeping the base on a flat surface. [6]
As you spin the glass, firmly grasp the handle of the glass and continue to spin for 10 to 20 seconds. If you hold it loosely, move the glass too hard, or spin it for too long, you may accidentally spill the wine.
Rotating the wine can also help any unpleasant flavors in the wine dissipate before you drink it. [7]
Image titled Hold a Wine Glass Step 14
When smelling, place the glass directly over your nose. When checking the smell of a particular wine, tilt the glass slightly and place your nose directly in it.
Alternatively, you can hold the nose about 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the top of the glass instead of sticking it directly inside. Some people can detect more odors this way, while others prefer traditional techniques. Either way, though, is socially acceptable.

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