
Descale method of glass kettle

admin 2021-12-22 09:07:4903 Comments
Descale method of glass kettle,glasspotwithlid .
Glass kettles are divided into ordinary glass kettles and heat-resistant glass kettles. The ordinary glass kettles are made of ordinary glass. Heat-resistant glass teapots are made of high borosilicate glass. They are generally blown manually. The yield is low and the price is more expensive than ordinary glass.
A glass kettle is generally composed of three parts: the body, the lid, and the filter. We also use its tea in daily life, but it is more difficult to clean. Do you know any methods to remove tea stains? Let's take a look together.
Salt and toothpaste can wipe away the tea rust on the cup.
1. Soak the scrubbing tools such as gauze or paper towels, then dip the soaked gauze with a small amount of edible salt, and wipe the tea rust inside the cup with the gauze soaked in salt, the effect is more obvious.
2. Squeeze the toothpaste on the gauze and scrub the stained tea cup with toothpaste. If the effect is not significant, you can squeeze more toothpaste to wipe.
3. After rinsing the tea cup scrubbed with salt and toothpaste, it can be used.

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