
Common sense of table etiquette and table etiquette

admin 2023-02-03 14:25:4303 Comments
Common sense of table etiquette and table etiquette

Common sense of table etiquette and table etiquette

1. When toasting, keep your upper body straight, stand firm with your legs, raise your glass with both hands, and drink after the other party drinks. The attitude of toasting should be warm and generous. At a grand banquet, the host will toast at each table in turn, and each table can send a representative to the host's table to toast, glass cookware   .

2. Wen Jing. This is a reflection of the traditional wine virtue, that is, to politely advise guests to drink. At the beginning of the banquet, the host often starts the first toast after saying a few words. At this time, both the guests and the host should stand up. The host should drink the wine in the glass first, and the empty glass mouth should be downward to show that he has finished drinking, in order to show respect for the guests. Guests usually have to finish drinking. During the banquet, the host often goes to each table to toast.

3. In return. As the name implies, it refers to that after the host has toasted the guests, the guests return a glass of wine to the host one by one to show their respect for the host.

4. Mutual respect. This is a "toast" between guests. In order to make the other party drink more, the toaster will find out all kinds of reasons for drinking. If the toaster cannot find out the reason to refute, he must drink. At the same time that both parties seek arguments, the emotional exchange between people has also been improved.

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