
The glass bottle material directly affects the product grade

admin 2022-04-21 10:49:2303 Comments
When many customers ask about the price of glass bottles, some people wonder why the price of glass bottles of equal material weight and style is different. In fact,glasscookware, the difference lies in the different materials used in glass bottles, like our common white glass bottles. There are many recycled materials used in the production of matching materials. The formula price of high white materials and crystal white materials is much higher than that of ordinary white materials, so the price is relatively much higher. Some people do not understand. Is there any difference?

     First of all, in terms of the color of the glass bottle, the transparency of the bottle with high white material and the color of the glass are better, while the color and transmittance of the crystal white material are basically the same as that of the high white material. The advantage is that the density is high and the refractive index is high. The formula of the glass is also different. The high-white glass needs to select the fine material and quartz sand with less impurities and high density, and the crystal white material is basically made of quartz stone as the main material and silica as the auxiliary material, and then processed. , The production process of these two kinds of raw materials is also different. High white materials are basically produced by team machines in our country, while crystal white materials are mostly produced by artificial machines. The raw materials of glass bottles are different, and the products produced are different.

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